12 January 2010

A Little Introduction

Hi there! Welcome to the new blog, Overnight To Auckland, on which I'll be posting tracklistings for playlists and mixtapes of my own creation, which you can replicate yourself, or - far more likely - which will be referenced by myself later in case Winamp and iTunes elects to destroy all my handiwork again.

My name is Jamie and I usually think in playlists, and put entirely too much thought into the sequencing of songs, most of which aren't even mine. The reason for this is pretty straightforward; I HATE the shuffle feature, because it's incapable of recognising that the placing of a very loud, raucous metal song immediately after a barely audible, twangy folk song is not something I want to experience; much less can it flow as pleasingly and seamlessly as a human-made playlist. As a result, I have a library of different mixes and track-listings, and I'd like to share any which I deem worthy in new posts on this blog.

On the whole they'll be split up into one of two groupings: artist mixtapes (which are all by one artist or different bands featuring the same person/people, and which are measured to be as close to 45 minutes as track-timings will allow...perfect for fitting on one side of a cassette tape...remember them?) or linked by a theme (which are linked by a theme).

Incidentally, the name Overnight To Auckland refers to a loooong roadtrip playlist I've been making (currently round about six and a half hours long) designed to keep me awake, alert and reckless all night long on an overnight trip up to Auckland from Wellington with my girlfriend before we go on holiday.

Stay tuned!

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