18 February 2010

M.Ward Mixtape

Phew! It's been a hectic few weeks what with us moving house and going on holiday and all, but I think we're finally settled into a routine. Time to relax, I think. And on that note, here's a mix of good-time, soothing, sepia-toned goodness, courtesy of Mr. Matt Ward.

Today at work I was doing some painting, and since it was just me on my own, I allowed myself to listen to some music so as to avoid going insane from a combination of RSI and solitude. So I listened to all of my M.Ward albums, and it was a really enjoyable way to spend five hours, let alone thinking that I would get paid for it! But while that would be too much M.Ward for a normal person to listen to on any normal day, it made me realise quite how brilliant this man is, and how enchanting his best songs are. And so, as a little preface to this playlist, I'd whole-heartedly recommend grabbing whatever M.Ward albums you might have to hand, particularly Transfiguration of Vincent, as well as End of Amnesia and Post-War (and that's just for starters), and giving them a good old run-through.

That said, the 45-minute introductory dose goes as follows:

  1. Rollercoaster (Post-War)
  2. Outta My Head (Transfiguration of Vincent)
  3. Paul's Song (Transistor Radio)
  4. To Go Home (Post-War)
  5. You Really Got A Hold On Me (with She & Him, Volume One)
  6. Sad, Sad Song (Transfiguration of Vincent)
  7. Right in the Head (Post-War)
  8. Carolina (End of Amnesia)
  9. Vincent O'Brien (Transfiguration of Vincent)
  10. Chinese Translation (Post-War)
  11. Shangri-La (Hold Time)
  12. Involuntary (Transfiguration of Vincent)
  13. So Much Water (End of Amnesia)
  14. Deep, Dark Well (Transistor Radio)

And for the first time, I'm going to cheat the whole 45-minute rule thing because there are plenty of songs which didn't fit on the playlist, but which still deserve an airing:

  • Epistemology (Hold Time)
  • Beautiful Car (Duet For Guitars #2)
  • From a Pirate Radio Sermon, 1989 (End of Amnesia)
  • I'll Be Yr Bird (Transistor Radio)
And I'll leave it at that, before I get carried away...

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